As this local company celebrates 25 years in operation, they can take pride in knowing they’ve grown to be responsible for supplying 80 percent of the fruit and vegetable labelling requirements across Ontario, Quebec, Michigan and New York – a big feat for a company that began with just 2 employees. Read full story.
Tool belt around her waist, she has been helping out at her father’s side since she was a mere seven years old. Today, at 31, Terri Michienzi is still at her dad’s side. And for Joe Sleiman, 55, a former Leamington resident, that is definitely a source of immense pride. Sleiman, the president of Ag-Tronic...
This past weekend, Ag-Tronic Control Systems celebrated its 25-year anniversary. “My wife Samia and I started the company on January 17, 1991,” says Joe Sleiman with Ag-Tronic Control Systems. “At the time, there were no real agribusiness automation companies in our region and I saw a need for it. We started out broke and today,...