As this local company celebrates 25 years in operation, they can take pride in knowing they’ve grown to be responsible for supplying 80 percent of the fruit and vegetable labelling requirements across Ontario, Quebec, Michigan and New York – a big feat for a company that began with just 2 employees.
World-Class Industry Leader Ag-Tronic Control Systems Inc. Celebrates 25 Year Anniversary
Accu-Label achieves designation from the Compost Manufacturing Alliance granting proprietary paper-based fruit stickers first to...
With his four-year-old son in mind at the time, Joe Sleiman says he knew more...
Company is working on its latest innovation as it enjoys increased demand for paper-based products...
Opal and Accu-Label recently announced they have signed an agreement continuing Opal’s exclusive distribution rights...
From inception and for over 18 years, Accu-Label has led the industry in developing innovative...
Hippocrates, the Greek physician known as the father of medicine, once said “Let food be...
Food fraud is a growing problem, costing the global food trade an estimated $30-$40 billion...
A recent online survey of over 1000 respondents conducted by researchers at Dalhousie University showed...
Product traceability is critical for food processors, and an Essex County company specializing in agricultural...